To the girl that changed my life

To the girl that changed my life. Thank you.

We met when I made a rash decision to try an elements one course at a CrossFit gym down the street from my new place in Columbus, Ohio. I had seen signs for the gym on my way to and from my internship that summer. Since it was within walking distance, I figured why not give it a try. So I signed up for a class which was held that same night. Totally not my normal type of decision making. I remember walking in the front door to what looked like a warehouse and immediately wanting to walk right back out. I felt as if all eyes were on me, even though they weren’t. The people lounging on the black leather sofa could careless that I was there, but I stuck out like a Hereford in a lot full of Angus. These people weren’t just fit…they were RIPPED. After the class started, I looked for the nicest looking girl to be friends with. That’s when I met Lindsi. I was excitedly telling her about my plans to compete in a Warrior Dash later that summer and start working out now that I was going to college at OSU’s main campus.

Thank you for being willing to step outside your comfort zone when I was not.

During our short CrossFit class I found out that Lindsi was a personal trainer and said what any non-athletic regular person (NARP) would say “can you help train me?” For some crazy reason she agreed to meet me at the RPAC (OSU’s main recreation facility) the next week. I am so thankful that she was willing to step out of her comfort zone to help me. At the time I was feeling extremely self-conscious about my body and even more fearful to even set foot in a gym.

Thank you for showing me that the only person I need to worry about while in the gym is me.

Looking back, it was silly to be scared of walking into the RPAC. But, I was nervous that people would look at me funny or take a photo of me to create another “gym fail” meme. I was afraid of looking like a total goober because I had never gone to a gym to workout before and didn’t know the first thing about using the machines. She reminded me that everyone else is either thinking the same thing or is so wrapped up with their own workout that they haven’t even noticed me.

Thank you for showing me that strong = confident.

I remember how much confidence she possessed and how I wanted to feel half the confidence she had. I was coming off what felt like a two year break-up, even though I never dated the guy. This particular guy was, for some reason, was so captivating to me. He knew he had my attention. But another girl had his. I let him drag me along for far too long because I was so desperate for any kind of affection. (That’s a story for another time.) At the time I knew I had little self-worth and terrible self-esteem. He ripped apart my heart. Looking back, however, lifting was starting to make me strong and that was building my confidence. I felt better throughout the day, I had something to keep my mind busy and my body shape was headed in a leaner direction.

 Thank you for empowering me.

For teaching me that I truly can do anything I put my mind to.

You truly changed my life.

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